August 9, 2018

IIUM Pre Reg 101

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

My friends and I received questions from the new intake students about pre-registration (Pre Reg) system of IIUM. So, this post is to guide you on how to actually do the Pre Reg. For those who never heard of this system before, it is for registering the subjects you are going to take for the current semester. Tak register, sia-sia la korang pergi kelas tapi tak boleh ambik quiz tak boleh ambik final.
P/S: This explanation is based on my status as a KOP student, I don't really know how other kulliyyahs' process is because our course structure is fixed, which means we cannot choose which core subjects we are going to take for this semester. Plus, there will be only one section available for each core subject so we don't really have to fight or compete for the sections or lecturers. In other words, we are not going to arrange our own schedule.

First step
Together with your offer letter, you will receive your UG matrics number and temporary pin number. Register your matrics number here.

Second step
Go to Log in with your matrics number and new password.
At the sidebar, click on My Academic, and choose Pre Reg.

Go to, and sign in.

Third step
Make sure the page shows the correct semester. For the new students, it should be Semester 1.
If you know your subjects code, click Add and you can manually type the subjects code. You can check your course structure here.
Click Study Plan. Click on your current semester and you can see the list of the subjects. Just click on the subjects code.

Fourth step
If you enter the correct subject code or you click on the subject that is offered for your level in the current semester, you can see the offered section. Just click on the section number and you're done!

Fifth step
Repeat the same steps for each subject. When you're done, you should see the list of the registered subjects on the page in the third step. 

P/S: This is only for core subjects. For uni required subjects, there will be more than one section offered. But usually, you will be separated into few sections prior to the Pre Reg and make sure you choose the correct section (but so far for Leadership and Usrah Budi we can choose the sections and it is not determined by the class rep). There will be another Pre Reg session after your registration day for the uni required subjects as well.

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you are still unclear.

Update 2019: I really don't know what's wrong with Blogger nowadays but I can't reply to comments, either using my account or as anonymous. I need to log in into Blogger using private tab in my phone and that's somehow inconvenient for me. Therefore, if you have any question, feel free to DM me on Twitter or email me. Don't worry, usually I'll reply to you as soon as I received the email (if I am not busy, which is rare if I am in the campus) but insya-Allah it will not take more than 24 hours. Plus, I am not notified if people left comments in my blogposts, so if you need immediate reply, feel free to contact me as mentione above ;) 

Thanks for reading!



  2. Kalau time tawe kita nak tukar major bawah department yg sama, study plan kita kacau ke?

    1. I am sorry that I did not have any info on that since my kulliyyah has only one course.

  3. For tilawah test, kena register lps test ke or time pre reg?

  4. Salam, nak tanya. Macam mana ek nak drop usrah budi dan tukar section lain memandangkan usrah budi saya termasuk section lelaki hahahahha. Tapi dah tamat tempoh untuk drop. Acane eh poning la

  5. salam akak kita kena add core subj base on study plan eh
    klau dia dah tetapkan core subj kita kenapa kita kena add sendiri subject tu

    1. It's how the system works. Kalau tak add, tak boleh sit for final exam.

  6. Salam sis. Nak tanya what about course cannot be allocated?


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