Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!
My last post was in 2019, and I wrote nothing in 2020. Reason? Probably I was occupied with several matters that require my attention, and probably it was just because of my bad time management ahaha. Because if you want to really do it, you will find time for it, they said. I actually take some time to finish writing this post because probably lost my momentum already, this post itself might be patchy with a not really smooth flow. But since I have a month of semester break before starting my last semester for undergraduate study plus I am stuck in mahallah for the whole time, this is one of my attempt to stay sane.
2020 seemed so futuristic when we were in school. I remember doing a project in Standard 5, Tabung Wawasan 2020. Still can remember the design okay (kalau lah boleh ingat semua MOA ubat macam ni lol). And the association of 2020 with the flying cars is surely a significant one, signifying how futuristic is 2020 in our expectation. However, 2020 that we went through was on the other side of the coin (am I using the phrase correctly lol). The year that once a future that all of us were looking forward, now is a history that shall be remembered. 2020 surely hit us all differently. No one expected a pandemic. Not going to elaborate deeply on that because it will be probably a lengthy post and it is everywhere on the internet, but I will surely remember the year. It was a challenging year but alhamdulillah I passed the phase. There are times that I wished I did better, I wished I made a different decision (that affect others) but I am certainly grateful for everything that I went through.
2020 was a year of my many “firsts”, well I think for most of us too. It was the first time that I slept for weeks in standby mode with my phone not set in silent mode anymore, because there are still students on campus and I was at home. Need to keep being updated on the instructions, or whatever information required from SUPC, from the administration. I even change the ringtone for messages from my DDSDCE to ensure that I will be alert for any important messages. The WhatsApp groups that I muted before, were unmuted. Several online meetings to cater for students’ welfare and learning experiences. IPhA online meetings to restructure everything. Long story short, ERTL was implemented as there was no chance for students to return to campus. It was my first time to attend class from home, sometimes in pyjamas lol. First time having presentations but able to wear seluar duduk rumah je since the camera can only see my tudung and baju hahahah. First time sitting for the online final examination and had a virtual OSCE.
I had a meeting with the Dean, Deputy Deans and all HOD regarding our final exam schedule and I was so, so nervous. That was not my first time attending meeting with kulliyyah administrators because I attended once when I was in Year 1 as IPhA representative, but this time, the meeting was held because of the letter that I sent to the Dean (with the support from DDSDCE of course). That was the first time I actually presented the concerns of KOP students verbally in front of all kulliyyah administrators. Then the pandemic situation in Malaysia was kind of getting better and we were allowed to do our community posting attachment. Sini lagi la banyak first time hahaha. Learnt how to deal with the suppliers, customers. First time I performed a blood pressure measurement to an actual patient. Oh, blood glucose test as well. Nervous tau nak cucuk jari orang lain :’)
Since the situation in the country was getting better, students are allowed to return to campus in October, including the new intakes. So IIUM opened the application for TaWe committee, and I applied. When the result was out, I was kind of shocked. Head of Registration. Another “firsts”; first time to join TaWe in degree, and appointed as Head. But my experience in TaWe deserves its own post.
Other than the good “firsts”, I have my bad “firsts” too. Experienced the first panic attack in my life. Literally gasping for air and did not know what to do as I was alone in my room and we were not allowed to tell anyone about what happened in the campus on that time, so I was unable to reach my sister or my close friends. Called Dr. Z instead and felt better. Oh, 2020 was my first time experiencing a very, very painful episode too. Cried for about 90 minutes while Facetiming Nani, and even she was shocked to see me in that situation. Esok tu nangis lagi, and on some random days kahkahkah I was so fragile and idk, probably stupid.
This year also taught me a lot especially on perspectives. I acknowledge the fact that we have different perspectives on certain matters, but my involvement in managing and handling the students make it clearer. Ada je benda yang jadi which in those situations tiada siapa yang betul atau salah. I will elaborate on this in another post, insyaAllah.
Btw, 2021 does not seem to be better than 2020, so far. Another MCO, the unknown date of forensic exam, the unknown decision on physical attachment and all the uncertainties. There is surely hikmah in all the events, but our concern is valid. We can’t just be the fish that follow the flow without having any effort to at least swim to get to our intended direction right? But after all, He is the best planner. Let us put our utmost trust in Him, semoga kita semua mampu redha dengan semua perkara yang terjadi di luar kemampuan kita.
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