January 24, 2021

Sendu O'Clock #1 - Premiere

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

Since last year, I have several sendu o'clock moments and usually I wrote anything that came into my mind at that particular time. But I'll only write those sendu pieces in Notes because have no courage to post it anywhere yet. And disclaimer, those sendu moments not merely about me or my feeling. Sometimes it was only the midnight rain, or just the 4 am moon, or just me being stressed out while trying to finish my LS writing hahahaha. The silent moments sometimes allow me to put myself in someone shoes. "If I am in this situation, what may I feel?", maka terhasillah beberapa nota sendu. And I might post some of them here occasionally, some with explanation and most of them may be not. So, here is the first one hahahaha.

At this time I was mentally tired, chasing the extended deadline for my LS writing because stuck at some points for some times so the progress was delayed and at the same time juggling with presentations, quizzes and submissions. But, I survived! Although I was not really satisfied because that was my best effort but I knew it was not enough and I could do better if I was in a better state, I received this feedback. Alhamdulillah.

Dr. Z is too kind :')


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