June 27, 2016

From Gambang to Petaling Jaya.

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

I’m still adapting to this whole new environment. From whole new big room to a little space to be shared with the other three. From the classroom complete with projectors and airconds to the old classrooms here (some are creepy). From the same >400 students to thousands of new faces everyday. From just within a building to go to the next class but here it’s so far from each other.

The brothers here are different too. Gambang’s are better to me. I’m sorry I know I can’t make simply make assumption and generalize them but let me finish my rants. I want my life back in Gambang again T_T

I miss everything there. My crazy roommates (although two of them are here but I want everyone, sounds selfish I know), my very friendly and adorable lecturers, our own port in the library, I miss Ezra CafĂ©’s friendly workers and that very polite brother that made the best iced Neslo in the world. I miss to chat with Cik Mah and tease Pakcik Kasmirin. I miss Gambang’s serenity and tranquility. I miss the comfort; how near is the musolla and although we have to share the reading room with the bros I’m still okay with it and I really think it is one of the good way to actually learn and apply ikhtilat when it comes to sharing between bros and sis.

Okay enough, there’s voice inside me keeps telling me to be grateful. Others don’t even have the chances to study. You’re a human you can’t have everything you wanted. This is your last sem of your foundation. Please finish this game with a victory. Now that I’m at PJ, it is much nearer to home, and I have Along and Kakak here in KL. This may be a starting for you to be a real student; all these hardships and struggles (including finding the classes LOL).

It’s okay Rara, when you read this months later you must be laugh on how fragile you were. It’s okay, you’ll be fine InsyaAllah :)

June 21, 2016


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!

Hi guys, I just came back home yesterday from Gambang and now here I am, writing from CFSIIUM Petaling Jaya and it’s my first official night as a resident of this mahallah, Mahallah Zainab Jahsy. I have been in Gambang since 7th until 17th of June and I can say that those 10 days were one of the best days in my life. I was there because I was appointed as one of the committee under the Catering Unit for the Ta’aruf Week or commonly known as Tawe among the students.

Induction Week – 8th to 11th of June

Basically this is the period of time where the committees were sitting down together, brainstorming together, solving arising problems together, sahur and iftar together, laughs together and without realizing, special bonds are created. There are just a lot of sweet moments, and it is just so hard to move on. Okay apa awal-awal dah sedih ni lulz.

The first night. Time ni semua bahan makanan yang Irsyad bawak

The unfinished meetings, the night meetings usually will be dragged until 2 – 3 am and while we wait for sahur that will be at 4.30, sometimes we will watch Boboiboy and it’s funny to remember that almost everyone is terhibur with Papa Kebenaran :’)

Every night.

Usually on every night each unit will present their discussion to see if there are any flaws or mistakes to be fixed.

Ilah from Sentra Unit.

Naily from Welcoming and Baiah unit

Aziz from Registration Unit.

Syarif from Speta Unit. Sampai garu kepala fikir masalah :P

Masterplan by the PCs.               

Boboiboy for the second time :') Malam ni la yang meeting habis 3.30 terus tunggu sahur tu :')
On Thursday we became the labors to pack the Taaruf kit for the new students and although there were only 23 of us and we need to pack for more than 400 students, it was done in a short time. *insert Wonderpets theme song.mp3*    
Syok eh Irsyad?

"Department" diorang la paling penat, bukak bags dari plastic :')

Shafiq from RDW unit, Shukri the PC and Affiq (Irsyad's long lost twin) from Sentra Unit

Happy kids in Plasticland
They try to fit in the 6XL shirt :'D    

And that evening we got the chance to go to Bazaar Ramadhan yeayyyy!

Then we had a photoshoot session for the video making and we were wearing the whole set of baju batik and kain putih for the first time teheeee :P

This picture is so funny bcs everyone looks like monsters ready to attack the food :D

Ameer the PM and Kak Azzwar the Secretary berjaya :D

"Hi sorang ke?" xD

When it's time for iftar, this is how it will usually looks like :') Imiss.
Our food for sahur, iftar and moreh during the induction week were prepared by Kak Tim and I was in charge of the food as I was in the Catering Unit. I will never forget how hard it is to wake everyone for sahur hahahahaha but there are days that the food for sahur is finished yeayyyy!

Emcees for the registration day practising
The night before the registration day, we did the final touch. Hanging up the bunting and signage and arranging the Taaruf Kit.

So gigih these brothers.

12 June 2016, Registration day.

OMG it's the day, they day we all have been waitin' for; the committees and the students. The day that we hope and pray so it will run smoothly. Our calltime was before 7am :')

The Registration Unit. Kak Amalina, Marsya and Aziz.

Some of the committees with the staff.
Waiting area for the parents.

The counters.

Students' waiting area.

That night, the students had the briefing for tomorrow's examinations.

After that, the committees had the post mortem session to discuss and improve the flaws and problems for the day. Also to have a briefing for tomorrow's session. 

Kesian Irsyad sampai bersimpuh :')
This actually happened when Ilah's leg was cramped and she need to baring and lift her leg up and the brothers were like "Okay brothers pandang belakang" haa tidur terus!
Monday, 13th of June. The students were sitting for their EPT and FKT exam and some of the committees were busy cleaning up the mosque for the students to perform their Zohor prayer because the original plan was to bring half of them back to mahallah but we finally get the permission to use the mosque on the Monday itself. It was my first time to be in the CFS mosque :')

Kak Azzwar was so happy with the trolley :P
Rifdi ta'arufing with the students that came out early from APT.
Friendly Rifdi was tired.
Uuuuuuuuu Kak Anis uuuuuu heehehehe
It's the day of Tilawah Entrance Test and Smartcard photography. I was in charge for the registration of Tilawah test but sadly can't find any pictures of me T_T. Oh there's one in Ilah's twitter later I'll put it here ehehehehe.

Taraaaa hehehehe

Sleepy committees. Dah tidur lepas sahur :')

On Wednesday we had the Iftar with the orphanages and Rohingya kids.

The new students.

On Thursday, we had our last iftar together. It was kind of melancholic moment for me because some of us already went home because the Tawe supposedly end in Wednesday plus the seniors have to register for UNGS in the main campus on Friday and the juniors have to register for the new sem in the Sunday.

For the baiah ceremony that will be held on Friday, we had a sudden change for some reasons. We need to think of a new idea and came out with a theme. Then the committees decided to have the theme of "Iqra'" and I'm not very sure whose idea was that huhuhuhuhu. But Ameer's idea was to make the hall looks like a library (I think it's a historical library and it has a name but I'm not sure).

The making of pintu gerbang.

Aziz the talented brother. He drew the design of the pintu gerbang and made the Khat for the decorations.

I made the backdrop of the ceremony and this was my first time doing a backdrop of a legit official ceremony *pat myself* :P

On the night of the Baiah ceremony, some of the committees didn't even sleep and some of us only slept for 1-2 hours, although some of them need to go to Kuantan to register for UNGS in the morning. Congrats everyone for your commitments! :')

When suddenly the gimmick stuff falls from its place :')
Kak Azzwar with the gimmick stuff. Prof Torla was impressed with this ;) Good job WBC unit and Aziz!

After the ceremony, everyone was busy and kind of rushing because we need to settle the online survey for students, the brothers need to go for Friday prayer, we also have last post-mortem with the staff and 6 of the seniors were going to the main campus. 

Shukri yang gagah!
Last post-mortem, with the staff.

The seniors were leaving for Kuantan :')

Before and after.

Our Operation room.
I'm out of words so let's just have a look at the pictures ;)

Kak Pia :D

Shafiq (Nur), Zatil, Kak Zati, Kak Anis

Our Pintu gerbang :D

Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Congrats guys! Dear everyone, thanks for making this 10 days so memorable and unforgotten. You guys proved that even in just 10 days, a family can be created. Huge appreciation to Ameer, Kak Azzwar, Kak Anis and Shukri because I believe you guys are the strongest factor of this unity. We learnt a lot from you guys; your positivity, your kindness, your leadership. To the others; Kak Amalina, Kak Zati, Kak Pia, Kak Aida, Shafiq, Kak Zu, Khu, Marsya, Aziz, Ilah, Affiq, Niza, Rifdi, Irsyad, Zatil, Hafiz, Naily, Afiqah and Syarif, thanks too. 

Thanks to those who helped me, Ameer yang pernah tolong set up table for VIP, Shukri yang pernah tolong kutip cawan and siap basuh, Hafiz yang tolong ambik air panas, Ilah yang pernah tolong kemas after makan, Sisters yang pernah tolong angkat barang pergi OR, and everyone for giving your cooperations to try finishing the food :P Sorry for any mistakes, I know I made a few :( or jokes yang tak sampai or rasa macam kena paksa makan time sahur and moreh hehehehehe. Thanks for every moments, every jokes and laughs, every ideas and lessons. You guys will not be forgotten, dear TaWe family.

Of good memories, may our paths cross again.
Xoxo, Rara.
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