Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!
UPDATE MAY 2018: Some of the info provided here might be outdated since it has been a few years already and some of the courses will take place in the Kuantan Campus. So, if you have any inquiries please ask the CFS Students' Coordination Committee on their Twitter page. But, if you have any inquiries about the Kuantan Campus you can still ask me, preferable through email ( because nowadays I rarely check my blog (get into this Pharmacy school and you will understand what I'm saying ihiks).
Amboi tajuk bukan main eh part 1 bagai hahahahahaha rajin benar ke nak buat part 2, 3, 4 lol. Takpelah kita tengok la keadaan macam mana eh. Actually this post is for you, yes you who are reading right now! Ok tak la acah je, post ni untuk orang yang nak / akan masuk sini because when I found out that I'll further my studies here, I tried to Google up some information about this campus but sadly, there are not enough information (for me). So, hope this helps!
Let's start with the first chapter of this foundation life, Taaruf Week that is also known as TaWe.
So basically this is the orientation week, like UiTM they got MDS and here in CFS, we have TaWe! Oh, one short note, please familiarize yourself with these terms.
- CFS - Centre For Foundation Studies, which is here. We don't really call this place as UIA because UIA is for the undergraduate students. But actually it's okay je nak panggil UIA pun tapi selalunya orang panggil CFS to differentiate.
- Kulliyah - this term is always being used by the lecturers. It actually means UIA where you will pursue your degree there.
- Brothers and Sisters. Yeah here in CFS we address other students as brother / sister. So takdela "wey" unless with our friends mwehehe. Good thing bout this culture is when we meet someone and don't know what should we address him / her because we simply don't know are they in the same age with us or older or perhaps younger so the solution is "brother and sister".
- DQ, actually I don't really know bout this but as far as I know this is an institute where the students studied first before they enter CFS. So basically they start studying in CFS at 19 years old, a year older than us.
- Mahallah = Hostel
Ok sambung. I'm going to tell roughly about TaWe bcs I don't really remember what we did in what day. So the first thing is registration. Time daftar bawak semua yang ada dalam list ; registration form, borang perjanjian asasi etc. Tengok betul-betul each items nak berapa copy. Lepas tu nanti dapat kunci bilik, lepas letak barang pe semua boleh la rileks tunggu announcement je. Tak payah ingat datang awal dapat bilik bawah sebab diorang dah siap letak dah awak kat bilik mana. So kau datang pagi ke datang petang ke kalau dah nama tu kat tingkat 5 kat situlah hahahaha. Oh, mahallah ada 5 tingkat and takde lif.
Time daftar akan dapat Taaruf Kit that consists of file yang ada yaasin, dengan buku taaaruf. Dalam buku tu ada la itinerary, lyric lagu and oath pe semua. CFS t-shirt and white tudung for sisters. Alah, rileks je tak labuh sampai lutut pun tudung tu bidang 50 je rasanya and tak wajib pakai pun (time aku la). Then, lepas Zohor kalau tak silap baru start. Ada la briefing apa semua from TaWe Committee. Lepas tu akan ada practise lagu CFS, lagu IIUM, and ikrar untuk Bai'ah ceremony. Bai'ah Ceremony tu kira macam majlis rasmi la ada VIP ada la Director CFS datang ke sape ke. Tapi ceremony tu lambat sikit kira macam penutup TaWe la.
Then korang akan ambik English Placement Test (EPT) and Arabic Placement Test (APT). Ni yang akan tentukan korang akan buat foundation berapa tahun kat CFS, and yup CFS ada foundation 2 tahun compared to other universities yang foundation diorang setahun je #Redha. English ada level 1 - level 6 , Arab ada level 1 & 2. Kalau nak buat setahun :
- Exempted both exams.
- Exempted one of the exams and get the highest level for the other one. Eg : Exempted English and level 2 Arabic or Exempted Arabic and level 6 English.
Tapi kalau dapat One Year Programme pun jangan risau boleh mintak buat 2 year sebab 2 year ni rileks la sikit macam first sem kalau tak campur language 2 - 3 subject je. Plot twist : Haritu Deputy Dean datang and dia kata maybe lepas ni dah takde 2 year programme and english level 5 dah exempted. Tapi tak confirm lagi benda ni pun.
Then, korang jugak akan ambik exam Tilawah, and FKT. Tilawah tu test bacaan tapi when it was my time siapa budak SBPI and SMKA ke Maahad ke tak payah ambik test ni automatic lepas phewwww untung kan? But in 2016 everyone must take the test. FKT tu exam fardhu ain dia tanya banyak soalan Fekah la and in English. Don't worry kalau tak faham certain terms sebab akan ada glossary kat dalam exam paper tu. These two exams akan menentukan korang kena ambik kelas tilawah / Fardhu Ain / Study Circle.
Lepas tu nanti dah habis exam ni semua tunggu je la instruction dari committee. Macam time aku ada briefing, exam semua tu, pastu ada ceramah, ada practise untuk baiah ceremony, ada kena tangkap gambar untuk matric card and mahallah briefing by the principal. Haa lepas tu nanti korang akan ada Hisbah, hisbah tu nak describe camana ek. Dia mungkin macam homeroom (sorry la bukan budak MRSM lulz) which it is a group of students and ada satu fellow for each hisbah. Fellow tu macam warden la.
Tu je la rasanya pasal TaWe. Ni other basic informations.
- Mahallah Al-Biruni is mahallah campur which means yes, dalam satu mahallah ada brothers and sisters sekali. Time aku sem 1, Blok A and B level 1-4 brothers punya bilik, Blok A and B level 5, blok C, D, E level 1-5 sisters. Takyah risau security matters sebab antara blok brothers and sisters ada pintu yang boleh bukak dari side sister je. TAPI YANG TAK BESTNYA KENA COVER UP EVERYTHING EVEN NAK PERGI TOILET PUN HAIZZZ. Tapi tu kalau dapat bilik yang jauh dari toilet la.
- Boleh outing Jumaat - Ahad je and kena balik before 10 pm.
- Outing naik bus rapid nombor 100. Nak balik UIA pun sama cari bus rapid nombor 100.
- Kalau nak naik bas ekspress untuk balik rumah, boleh tempah kat pak cik kat Kiosk (untuk mahallah Al-Biruni la) tapi dia charge dalam 4-5 ringgit camtu. Kira ok la dari kau pergi beli sendiri tambang bas dah berapa. Kalau ikut fare rate tahun ni, UIA - Terminal Rapid Kuantan = RM4, Terminal Rapid - TSK (stesen bas kuantan) = RM2. Dah RM6, pergi balik dah RM12 hahahaha so jimat duit dan masa. Nak pergi Kuantan tu sangat la jauh haih hahahaha. Beli online pun boleh kalau dah tahu bas apa yang stop kat UMP mana yang tak.
- Selain dari pergi outing kat Kuantan, kalau tak nak jauh sangat pergi la Taman Tas. Ok jugak kat situ ada Tunas Manja (kind of Tesco la for Pahang ni), ada kedai makan ada KFC, pizza hut ada dominos ada cafe gak ada nasi kukus Mama ada watson ada guardian ada bank ada 7e ada kedai rm2 ada keda casing phone ada bazaar Ramadhan haaaa memacam la jugak.
- Kat Kuantan tu ada ECM, sejenis mall ye anak anak. Tapi dia bandar so ada la benda lain gak oh latest ni ada Vendville so mana kaki shopping tu jaga la duit dan mata hahahhaa. UPDATE 2020: I BARU TERINGAT PASAL POST NI SO NAK BAGITAU SEBELAH ECM TU ADA KCM (LITERALLY SEBELAH BOLEH JALAN KAKI)
- Kalau nak naik bas ekspress nak balik kampung, instead of korang pergi TSK yang far far away and RM6 kahkah, korang boleh tunggu je kat Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), and only RM2. Cakap je kat Pakcik Rapid nak pergi UMP, tapi nanti dalam UMP ada banyak stop, make sure korang berhenti bila tv dalam rapid tu tulis UMP, bukan kediaman UMP 1 ke ape ke. Land mark dia is jejantas biru. Pastu kena seberang jalan tunggu kat bus stop situ. Haa time tempah tiket tu tulis la UMP - mana. Contoh UMP - Ipoh takyah la tulis Kuantan - Ipoh so driver bus nanti akan stop la kat bus stop UMP tu.
- Nak pergi UMP tu kalau ada geng boleh jugak mintak tolong pak cik kiosk hantar cumanya kena bagitahu dia awal la and confirm bebetul and tak free okay, RM 15.
- Cafe setakat ni ada satu je KAHKAHKAHKAH ye la sebab baru bukak kan tapi nanti insya-Allah ada la banyak cafe dah banyak mahallahnya tahun ni satu je mahallah kuikui.
- ATM machine ada don't worry.
- Line telefon takleh nak kata apa hahahaha. Tapi aku pakai Maxis time memula datang nazak ya rabbi bukan nak kata data, line nak call pun selalu No Signal chait. Tapi tak tau la tu masalah line ke masalah phone sebab lepas tukar phone jarang la takde line tapi data tu memang selau camtu je la nak dapat 3G pun kekadang je ada. Tapi diorang kata Digi okay je entah la nak kahkahkah
- Wifi ada jugak and setakat ni yessssss laju gila tapi ikut nasib gak ada orang bilik jauh dari modem so kalau nak line wifi kena duduk luar bilik. Tapi time memula datang tu takleh la login wifi sebab kena ada id and password nanti tunggu la announcement bila korang boleh register. ID and password wifi tu jugak korang akan guna untuk iTaaleem and portal myiium. Basically iTaaleem untuk quiz online and portal myiium untuk check course schedule, registration slip, exam slip and exam result. Wifi boleh connect dua device je, kalau connect tiga, salah satu akan disconnect. Gittew. Tapi ni Principal la yang cakap aku tak penah try la pulak 3 device hahaha.
- Wednesday is official day which sisters kena pakai tudung putih (tak payah tudung UIA pun takpe) and brothers kena pakai kemeja and neck tie, no baju melayu.
Ok la tu je yang ada dalam otak sekarang, nanti pape sis update lagi kuikuikui kalau rajin. Bye!
For more about CFS (academic stuffs etc.) you can refer to this link.
What brings you here, will not bring you there.