Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!
Hi, first of all, let me clarify that this is not a post to point any fingers to anyone nor a personal attack. This is just some thought and probably a reminder, to me myself and anyone that might need one, as we are all human and learning.
Some of you might know my meticulousness when it comes to emails, letters or communicating ethics, particularly with the lecturers, officers or other recipients that require a formal conversation. I saw some of my mutuals' screenshots of their formal emails to the lecturers or officers, and I observed how some of us replied or even requested for something from the lecturers but the some of the messages were kind of unpleasant. This is not merely a matter of seniority or superiority but I believe that it is a matter of manners, and perhaps a sense of responsibility. Hence, I am writing this post to help others realise the importance of a well-structured message.
I know some might see this as a frivolous matter, as long as the input is delivered. But dear, that is not how the outside world works completely. To some, the effort we put in writing a proper message reflects our endeavours for reaching the goal of the message. To others, it reflects our awareness of the importance of the message. If one did not put their best effort into delivering the message properly, then what was expected from the recipient? Especially when the message is aimed to seek help, answer or simply a response.
Unlike oral communication, we have more control in delivering written messages to avoid any unpleasant consequences. We should try our best to reread and restructure the sentences (if necessary) before we send the message. Imagine ourselves as the reader, what would be our impression when we receive the message? Is the tone of the message appropriate? Is it polite enough? Are the choices of words suitable?
I am not saying that I am capable to make a perfect message or email or letter every single time as I am still learning as well. But I do hope each of us put our best effort in this matter. Some of us still have plenty of time to learn, but the clock is ticking for some of us. There are a lot of templates and examples available on the internet for our references. This is beyond the format or proper capitalisation. Let us keep ourselves equipped with this skill to at least ensure that this "trivial matter" will not be a setback in the journey to reach our life goals, or even cause difficulties to our future colleagues.
Of course, this is on a case-by-case basis and some points might be irrelevant when we are communicating with someone that we are well aware of their conversation style and preferences. However, feel free to disagree as I acknowledge the different individual perspectives on this matter.